Code of Excellence

Waltz Night’s Code of Interpersonal and General Excellence

Waltz Night aspires to be a safe, inclusive event for all folks who want to spend an evening dancing and enjoying the glow of live music.

We welcome and celebrate the diversity that that term, “folks,” encompasses. Waltz Night is dedicated to providing a safer dance experience for everyone, regardless of gender expression, sexual orientation, (dis)ability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, age, immigration status, dance role, or dance skill.

Our idea of a good event hinges on quality of experience, rather than just technique. If you’re having fun, your partner is having fun, and you’re encouraging others’ fun, you’re doing it right.

Accordingly, we ask all attendees to be excellent in general and to each other.

We understand that this excellence will include, but not be limited to:

  • Dancing in control and cognizance of your surroundings. Sometimes we’re in venues that make us cozy, and that means looking out for other dancers and bystanders.
  • Seeking enthusiasm and connection from your dance partners. Dance with, not at, your partner to prevent injury in all its forms, including the quiet bruising of a newcomer’s enthusiasm.
  • Working to make others comfortable, welcome. Harassment will not be tolerated in any form. Yes, that includes outside of Waltz Night.
  • Asking for and receiving consent for certain activities. Make sure you have consent before dancing with someone, dipping them, cuddling with them, making any form of sexual contact, taking their photograph, recording them, etc.
  • Using words to support fun, respect, and learning. Any racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, sexist, or other behavior that degrades, shames, or disrespects others for any aspect of their identity or ability will not be tolerated. It’s ugly.
  • Sharing with the organizer or a host any incident that appears to fall short of these guidelines. We take this rather seriously.

Waltz Night is a great place to focus on respecting, setting, discussing, and defending boundaries. If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe confronting a situation, please talk to the organizer. We understand that by convening these events that we commit to resolving issues to the greatest extent we can.

Participants whose behavior violates this policy in the context of our events or elsewhere can be warned or asked to leave at the discretion of the organizer, who does not suffer fools well.

If a participant is asked to stop a behavior, immediate compliance is expected. Attendees who persist (or whose behavior the organizer deems to warrant) will promptly lose their invitation to enjoy Waltz Night and be happily escorted off the premises. Refunds will be thrown out of the building behind them in loose change, if given at all.

Contact Info for Organizer: Lizzy Hazeltine, lizzy AT

Note: This code is based in part on the hard work and insights from the RDU Blues, Youth Dance Weekend, and Mobtown Ballroom codes of conduct.